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Monday, September 17, 2012

The Orchestra

By Sari Asih

The lone man should find his symphony within himself, not only in conceiving the music in abstract, but in being his own instrument. A lone man possesses considerably more than the twelve notes of the pitched voice. He cries, he whistles, he walks, he thumps his fist, he laughs, he groans. His heartbeats, his breathing accelarates, he utters words, launches calls and other calls reply to him. Nothing echoes more a solitary cry than the clamour of crowds.
~Pierre Schaeffer

What if we were crying out of loneliness, trapped in this ever expanding city that leaves us wandering from place to place looking for something to fill the emptiness inside us? What is life when we forget that we are subjects not objects, that we have become a projection of the city? I find this loneliness in the crowd. I'm not denying it. I move with it. When speed erases the self, when I become my shadow, this loneliness can be a beautiful orchestra indeed.

i pen my thoughts @9:47 PM


As I sit in the cafe alone listening to the choir from the stereo above, I wondered what life has in store for me, whats happening around.
I felt like as though I am skating on thin ice.

September has been overwhelming. I could hardly breathe.
September fifth was well spent at Harry's Exhibition.
Like a little girl in a candy store, I explored...

Joined the Yellow Ribbon run yesterday and it managed to make an impact on me. I was washed with a wave of emotions the minute i entered the prison gate. There's so many things going through my mind. Why, what ifs, how... Definitely harder when one is over the other side of the prison wall.
No doubt, the run was good.

For now, I shall channel my energy towards F1, debate, licence, classes and soul searching.
Itching to get a gift for myself... For all the hardwork and sacrifices. :)

The next time you see me, remind me to breathe.

i pen my thoughts @7:45 PM